One week from tomorrow my eldest child will be a high school graduate. This blows my mind! Just yesterday he was a little baby. It seems impossible to me that time has passed by so quickly. I beg all of my children to stop growing up or even worse go back to being my little babies...but do they cooperate? No, they do not. I have an 18 yr old, a 16 yr old, a 13 yr old & a soon to be 11 yr old. I am proud of each of them every day they amaze me & make me smile. Every day they bring joy, frustration, laughter, love, & wonder to my life. I'm so grateful to have had this chance to be the mom of such inspiring kids. Kier age 5- Kindergarten On Mother's Day, they let me sleep in until was heavenly. When they did come in I received a plethora of cuddles & giggles. Nothing better than that. From the oldest to the youngest they are the best snugglers ever! Throughout the day t...