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Showing posts from May, 2017

This and That

One week from tomorrow my eldest child will be a high school graduate.  This blows my mind!  Just yesterday he was a little baby.  It seems impossible to me that time has passed by so quickly.  I beg all of my children to stop growing up or even worse go back to being my little babies...but do they cooperate?  No, they do not.  I have an 18 yr old, a 16 yr old, a 13 yr old & a soon to be 11 yr old.  I am proud of each of them every day they amaze me & make me smile.  Every day they bring joy, frustration, laughter, love, & wonder to my life.  I'm so grateful to have had this chance to be the mom of such inspiring kids. Kier age 5- Kindergarten On Mother's Day, they let me sleep in until was heavenly.  When they did come in I received a plethora of cuddles & giggles.  Nothing better than that.  From the oldest to the youngest they are the best snugglers ever!  Throughout the day t...

Happy Optimist

I try to look for the happy things in life as much as I possibly can.  I have always been the optimist in my family, my mom once told me I was her little ray of sunshine.  I was a happy baby, a toddler who walked up to strangers told them my name & happily grabbed their hand & walked off with them, telling them my life story, much to my mother's horror.  I used to terrify her with my lack of fear of strangers.  However, in the last decade, I have switched things up a lot.  Or rather, the experiences I have endured have taught me to be very careful with whom I choose to be friends & allow into my inner sanctuary. In 2005, 12 years ago, Liam was diagnosed with Ataxia Telangiectasia.   A rare genetic neurodegenerative disease that has an expected lifespan of, at the time of diagnosis, late teens.  In the last few years that life span has miraculously, so sad that this is considered a miracle, been expanded to early 20's, but a miracle ...

Geek Flag

I am the youngest of 7 children, 5 of which were brothers.  Now I did not live at home with all of them at the same time as I was quite the surprise baby, my closest sibling in age is 6 years older than I am.  My eldest brother is at least 15 years older than I am.  And we are a Yours Mine & Ours family.  So the eldest 4 brothers, are biologically step, but legally, as their dad adopted my sis, youngest bro & myself when I was 12 years old, I never actually lived with all of my siblings at the same time.  Until I was 15 there were usually 2 living with us at a time.  My point is, even though we didn't all live in the same house at the same time, altogether; their influence over my choices of entertainment still had & does to this day have an effect on my taste in movies, music, TV, books, etc...  As their companionship affected me, so did my parents. From my father, I gained a great love of classic westerns, in particular, those...