I am the youngest of 7 children, 5 of which were brothers. Now I did not live at home with all of them at the same time as I was quite the surprise baby, my closest sibling in age is 6 years older than I am. My eldest brother is at least 15 years older than I am. And we are a Yours Mine & Ours family. So the eldest 4 brothers, are biologically step, but legally, as their dad adopted my sis, youngest bro & myself when I was 12 years old, I never actually lived with all of my siblings at the same time. Until I was 15 there were usually 2 living with us at a time. My point is, even though we didn't all live in the same house at the same time, altogether; their influence over my choices of entertainment still had & does to this day have an effect on my taste in movies, music, TV, books, etc... As their companionship affected me, so did my parents.
From my father, I gained a great love of classic westerns, in particular, those of John Wayne. From my mother, I gained an intense love of musicals, classic movies (The Philadelphia Story, Casablanca, Operation Petticoat) & romantic comedies, (Murphy's Romance & The Jewel of the Nile). From my sister, I grew to love great sweeping dramas (ie Gone With the Wind). Through my brothers, I was exposed to a love of all things Science Fiction & Fantasy. Star Wars, Star Trek, The Twilight Zone, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Battlestar Galactica, & Buck Rogers. As well as a love of Action-Adventure; The A-Team, Knight Rider, MacGyver, Quantum Leap, Lethal Weapon, Commando, Robocop, Rambo etc... And last but not least comedies; The Three Stooges, Better Off Dead, This is Spinal Tap, Strange Brew, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Airplane, Naked Gun, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Goonies, The Princess Bride, Beetlejuice, Weird Science... This list could go on & on, times infinity. So while I do enjoy a good family movie or a great rom-com, most of the movies on my favorite lists lean toward Sci-Fi & Action-Adventure.
I am a full fledged Geek & proud of it. I'm not ashamed to admit that I watched 6 Star Wars movies in a row yesterday & could quote most of the lines along with the movies. In my humble opinion, the original trilogy are the best of the lot! [Oh yes they are!!! I will fight you on this tooth & nail millennials!!] And yet I still had the first 3 episodes playing loud & proud on my TV while I went about my daily responsibilities. Thank you, TBS for helping the world to understand & appreciate May the 4th Be With You! So here I am letting my Geek Flag fly free & proud! I did well in school, I like to use big words & I am a voracious reader of classic literature & Sci-Fi/Fantasy. I loathed to break rules & still do. I am a nerd & I love it. And yes I have spent the last 18 years of my life as a parent teaching my children about all things Geek. I knew I was doing a good job when my daughter, who at the time was only in Kindergarten, evil-giggled when the Uruk-hai gets his head chopped off by Aragorn at the end of The Fellowship of the Ring. Or when my sons started collecting Lego Star Wars, when any of my kids wanted me to read them Harry Potter or watch & collect Star Wars action figures. I am doing my job well. Go me. I dream of one day attending Comic-Con in San Diego & being able to see people dressed in Doctor Who, Star Wars, Supernatural, Star Trek, or Anime cosplay. I have no idea what I would dress up as but I think it will be the best day ever!
So here it is, Revenge of the Fifth & I am wishing you all Happy (unofficial) Star Wars Days, from my family to yours.
From my father, I gained a great love of classic westerns, in particular, those of John Wayne. From my mother, I gained an intense love of musicals, classic movies (The Philadelphia Story, Casablanca, Operation Petticoat) & romantic comedies, (Murphy's Romance & The Jewel of the Nile). From my sister, I grew to love great sweeping dramas (ie Gone With the Wind). Through my brothers, I was exposed to a love of all things Science Fiction & Fantasy. Star Wars, Star Trek, The Twilight Zone, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Battlestar Galactica, & Buck Rogers. As well as a love of Action-Adventure; The A-Team, Knight Rider, MacGyver, Quantum Leap, Lethal Weapon, Commando, Robocop, Rambo etc... And last but not least comedies; The Three Stooges, Better Off Dead, This is Spinal Tap, Strange Brew, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Airplane, Naked Gun, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Goonies, The Princess Bride, Beetlejuice, Weird Science... This list could go on & on, times infinity. So while I do enjoy a good family movie or a great rom-com, most of the movies on my favorite lists lean toward Sci-Fi & Action-Adventure.
I am a full fledged Geek & proud of it. I'm not ashamed to admit that I watched 6 Star Wars movies in a row yesterday & could quote most of the lines along with the movies. In my humble opinion, the original trilogy are the best of the lot! [Oh yes they are!!! I will fight you on this tooth & nail millennials!!] And yet I still had the first 3 episodes playing loud & proud on my TV while I went about my daily responsibilities. Thank you, TBS for helping the world to understand & appreciate May the 4th Be With You! So here I am letting my Geek Flag fly free & proud! I did well in school, I like to use big words & I am a voracious reader of classic literature & Sci-Fi/Fantasy. I loathed to break rules & still do. I am a nerd & I love it. And yes I have spent the last 18 years of my life as a parent teaching my children about all things Geek. I knew I was doing a good job when my daughter, who at the time was only in Kindergarten, evil-giggled when the Uruk-hai gets his head chopped off by Aragorn at the end of The Fellowship of the Ring. Or when my sons started collecting Lego Star Wars, when any of my kids wanted me to read them Harry Potter or watch & collect Star Wars action figures. I am doing my job well. Go me. I dream of one day attending Comic-Con in San Diego & being able to see people dressed in Doctor Who, Star Wars, Supernatural, Star Trek, or Anime cosplay. I have no idea what I would dress up as but I think it will be the best day ever!
So here it is, Revenge of the Fifth & I am wishing you all Happy (unofficial) Star Wars Days, from my family to yours.