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Showing posts from November, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

Full disclosure, I am sitting in my Christmas jammies, watching Hallmark Christmas movies in bed, while I type.  It is 8pm on Thanksgiving day.  And our Thanksgiving was low key but lovely.  It started with an 18lb bird & the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade & ended with bellies full of an abundance of food.  And of course, I took pictures of the day.  I even had Nolan take a couple pictures of me making *"rotten" eggs.  Generally speaking, I am not a fan of having my picture taken.  But I don't want my kids to look back at photo books after I am gone & never be able to see me in them.   Like I said our day started w/ putting the turkey in the oven & the parade.   Like our barricade?   The barricade has to be erected every time there is major cooking taking place in the kitchen because our Great Dane, Loki, laying on his pillow in the picture below, can reach the countertops w/ ease.  And last year while...


  Every November 1st people, on various social media sites, begin a month-long daily posting of things for which they are grateful.  I have never partaken, simply because I have never been one to follow a crowd.  The more popular something is the less likely I am to participate or view or read or listen.  Why? I honestly don't know.  I just hate doing what everybody else is doing. For example, I haven't gone to see Hamilton, (although that one is mostly because it's too flipping expensive) and I never watched  Downton Abby (or is it Abbey?)  I also have not seen The Tiger King.  I haven't participated in newly popularized escape rooms or fancy bullet journals, I also hate reality TV like Big Brother, or the Bachelor(ette), singing competition shows etc.. And I don't enjoy massages. Now IF it's something I am already doing & I love it then I keep going, I don't cut off my nose to spite my face.  It's not because I don't recognize or admit...

What a year!

How about I do a post about the family for a change?  I could use a break from the venting & instead do a post about us.  All those in favor say, "Aye!".  Oh, that's right I do this for me...silly Jes.  This year has been a roller coaster for more reasons than the pandemic & the election.  Those were just the icing on the cake.  January was pretty basic. Recovery from the holidays was a welcome relief.  In February, Liam went through a bunch of testing because his platelet count was getting higher & higher.  As was his red blood cell count. We were told to go to a hematologist/oncologist at the beginning of the month.  Because A-T kids are 1000 times more likely to develop leukemia or lymphoma than the general population, we were understandably worried.  Just as we were waiting for test results to come back, I received a phone call from my stepmom that my dad, who had been battling post-polio syndrome for the last 5 years, h...