Full disclosure, I am sitting in my Christmas jammies, watching Hallmark Christmas movies in bed, while I type. It is 8pm on Thanksgiving day. And our Thanksgiving was low key but lovely. It started with an 18lb bird & the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade & ended with bellies full of an abundance of food. And of course, I took pictures of the day. I even had Nolan take a couple pictures of me making *"rotten" eggs. Generally speaking, I am not a fan of having my picture taken. But I don't want my kids to look back at photo books after I am gone & never be able to see me in them.
Like I said our day started w/ putting the turkey in the oven & the parade.
Like our barricade? |
The barricade has to be erected every time there is major cooking taking place in the kitchen because our Great Dane, Loki, laying on his pillow in the picture below, can reach the countertops w/ ease. And last year while we were all eating dinner, he helped himself to the other side, the uncarved portion, of our turkey sitting on the counter. Which of course shorted us on a great many turkey leftovers, the stinker! It's a good thing he is incredibly cute & has those Great Dane eyes that just beg you to love him no matter what.
Our Christmas decorations sitting out show you that we are ready to start decorating the house tomorrow! |
There's a whole lot of cooking going on.
** We call our Deviled Eggs rotten because of Liam. When he was 4 or 5 he couldn't remember their actual name & so he word associated Deviled with Rotten & they have been Rotten Eggs in our family ever since.
And to make sure that Artie, our Weizsla puppy, didn't feel left out of the Thanksgiving fun. Captain Awesome tossed her some mini marshmallows.
Tomorrow we begin the process of putting away Thanksgiving decor & putting up all the Christmas decor. I am so excited!!! And for the next month anytime I am not prepping for Christmas, helping kids with schoolwork, cleaning, chasing down a puppy, running the household, you will find me in front of my computer or TV watching my favorite Christmas movies. What are your favorite Christmas movies? Are you into holiday classics like It's A Wonderful Life (in B & W), that's my favorite. Or are do you prefer funny ones like Elf or A Christmas Story, I LOVE those too! Or are you a Hallmark Christmas movie watching fool? Because I AM!! 😊 Basically, I LOVE Christmas movies! And with that, I sign off...
From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!
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