Usually, at the end of a year, I like to close out the year w positive thoughts on our experiences through the year. This year I learned that grief can bury one alive without a single grain of actual dirt. I learned that grief can leave one feeling as though one can't take even the smallest of breaths in even the cleanest of air. I learned that humanity can really disappoint & disgust. I learned that when the chips are down there are so many people who choose selfishness over their fellow man, woman, or child. I learned that a lot of Christians don't actually understand what Christ stood for. I learned that bodily autonomy & the rights of females (assigned female at birth) who are already born & living are not as important to them as the collection of cells that a female, assigned at birth, carries within. I learned that even if you aren't the majority you can destroy democracy just by spreading fear simply by telling as many lies as you c...