We made it through the first year. I say that as if at the end of the first year all the pain & heartbreak magically ends. It doesn't. Grief isn't that simple nor is it linear. You will go through the grieving process many times. Every time I see his picture on the wall in our home I stop & talk to him. "Hi baby, I miss you so much, I love you." Shower crying still happens. I still beg God for it to all be a bad dream, that I'll wake up & he'll still be here. I still want him back in my arms. Alas, those wishes never come to fruition. And the pain starts all over again. The truth is that no matter how much time passes I will always miss him & want him back. My heart has a giant hole right in the middle where Liam is supposed to be, he took it with him when he passed. It amazes my everyday that it has already been a year when it feels like he left us just yesterday. Just yesterday I held him in my arms & snug...