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Final Bows

On Sunday, the 4th of June our eldest child graduated from high school.  We are so proud of this kid young man.  The following pics & videos are in chronological order of the graduation ceremony.  Minus my crying that my baby is all grown up.  I'll spare you & all of us that.  You're welcome. ;)

With the first notes of Pomp and Circumstance, echoing through the field house, came the mom water works.  

4 years of choir, not once has he ever been placed so we can see him, without having to move, bend, twist, or reach. LOL

Sorry for the shaky camera work. It's hard to video tape when you are trying to wipe tears & keep mascara from running at the same time.  

^------- Skip to 2:45 to see Kier -------^

And now the after pictures.

Thank God that's over!

 Mommy & Daddy

Best Friends
 Goofy Best Friends

Kier & his lovely girlfriend

We are so proud of you Kieran, our Magna Cum Laude!

Thank you Wilmot for the memories, the lessons, the fun, the chance.  And thank you to all of the teachers, administration, secretaries, & staff for your patience, care, & kindness to our boy.

He can & will Go the Distance!

The Cowand Family

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