If you read my last post I showed you my Christmas chalkboard message. Well, I decided this post would be all about the different chalkboard messages from this year. Unfortunately, when I went back through the year I realized I didn't start taking pictures of my signs until summer. Partly because the winter was exceedingly busy & stressful for yours truly & partly because I didn't really do any fancy drawings or lettering. Just did sayings & or quotes to go with each season, as I just didn't have the inspiration to make it more than it was, I'll reiterate I am NOT an artist. I am fairly decent at copying other people's artistic endeavors & sometimes taking those creations & making them a little more my style. Hence the first 5-6 months of the year my chalkboard messages weren't really picture-worthy.
I will start with the first message I was really proud of, & the main reason I took that picture was that I really was surprised by how well it turned out once completed.
June 2020
November 2020
I know the shadows in my house do not make getting a complimentary picture of the chalkboard just right so I apologize for the weird shadows & colors but I did try. I really did have a lot of fun creating my chalkboard messages & art once I really tried but I cannot take full credit for these... for one thing, McKenna helped with a couple of them in spots & I got the ideas from Pinterest from other people's creations. I'm looking forward to another post like this at the end of 2021. Hopefully, I'll remember to take pictures of all of them, even if they didn't turn out quite so picture-worthy. And I encourage you all to post pictures of your creations whether the medium is a chalkboard, sewing, knitting, photography, drawing, painting, etc... you get the idea.
Sending all my love through the interwebs to you all tonight...
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